
Start Wholesaling

Here is our wholesale promotion organization

Are you a wholesaler and would like to offer your items to a wider audience!?
We can create a brand if you don’t already have yours.
We are able to create a virtual warehouse where you can enter the stocks of your items so that we can present them to your regular or new customers that we will make sure we go to acquire in new markets through our promotional platforms that could be multilingual, eg.

Think about the convenience of a Virtual Warehouse that can always be visited by your customers or have the opportunity to provide your sales agents with a tool where you can see the quantities and images of your new arrivals …

And remember, we don’t ask you for money to do this … we talk about it when you have positive results, we exist and grow only if we generate benefits for our Customers …

You can trust us …

To know the details of the services or further information, simply contact us at our e-mailinfo@ludwig.rs